CURLIT Curling Information Technology AG

Weil Curling unsere Leidenschaft ist

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CURL Distance

CURL Distance App

Before each competitive Curling game, both teams need to play two "Last Stone Draws" each. The distance is measured either from the centre of the house to the nearest point of the stone or, if the stone covers the centre, from two points 2ft away from the centre.
The app calculates the real distance from the centre to the centre of the stone in both cases, using the official formula from the World Curling Federation WCF.
Values can be entered for up to six sheets.
Data entry can either be in metrics (cm and/or mm) or in imperial (inches and 1/100 of inches).


Latest version:
2.1.1, November 2021


For quick help, see "Settings" page or follow these steps:
1. Select the current Sheet
2. Select Colour and Turn (click on the symbol)
3. Normal stones: Enter distance and press OK
4. Stones on Tee: Enter first distance, click on '+M2', enter second distance and press OK

Check out the new Help page directly in the app.

New in version 2.1:
- Navigation / menu
- Dark and light theme
- Customize sheet.

Customizing a sheet includes different sheet letter(s)/number and individual colours for dark and light handle colours.
New in version 2.1.1:
Checking for stones not in the house improved.


See also information on WCF website. Privace policy available here


Curl Distance is free to download on iOS, Android and Huawei devices from the links below.

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