BKT Tires & OK Tire Curling Weltmeisterschaften Herren 2023
Ottawa, ON, Canada
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Entry List by Country
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Results Book WMCC 2022
Results Summary WMCC 2022

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Statistik -

Team     ↻ Player   Value↺ Player   Value   LSD Total 
Switzerland          *


Team    #  Draw      #Take-Out      #
Italy35 81 %29 66 %64 75 %
Switzerland37 84 %27 91 %64 87 %


TeamPosition     Spieler    #  Draw      #Take-Out      #  Total
Italy     SkipRETORNAZ Joel     5 40 %11 57 %16 52 %
Switzerland     Vice-SkipSCHWARZ Benoit     10 83 %6 96 %16 88 %
Italy     ThirdMOSANER Amos     11 89 %5 50 %16 77 %
Switzerland     SkipSCHWALLER Yannick     8 97 %8100 %16 98 %
Italy     SecondARMAN Sebastiano     6 83 %10 75 %16 78 %
Switzerland     SecondMICHEL Sven     6 79 %10 80 %16 80 %
Italy     Vice-SkipGIOVANELLA Mattia     13 90 %3100 %16 92 %
Switzerland     LeadLACHAT Pablo     13 81 %3 92 %16 83 %
Italy     Alternate-     0 - %0 - %0 - %
Switzerland     Alternate-     0 - %0 - %0 - %






Round Robin Standings

Team   Siege   Niederlagen 
SUI11   1     Q
SCO10   2     Q
NOR10   2     Q
CAN9   3     Q
SWE9   3     Q
ITA8   4     Q
JPN5   7    
USA5   7    
GER4   8    
CZE3   9    
TUR2   10    
KOR1   11    
NZL1   11    
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